Nandamuri Kalyan Ram latest movie “PATAS” Censored With 'A' Certificate . This movie is being directed by Anil Ravipudi and produced by Kalyan Ram’s own banner NTR Arts. Newcomer Sruthi Sodi will be seen romancing Kalyan. Balakrishna's super hit song from 'Rowdy Inspector', Arey Oh Sambha, has been remixed for 'Pataas' and the director of the film, Anil Ravipudi, said that the song will be a big surprise and Nandamuri fans can get ready to celebrate.
Patas Censored With 'A' Certificate
Nandamuri Kalyan Ram latest movie “PATAS” Censored With 'A' Certificate . This movie is being directed by Anil Ravipudi and produced by Kalyan Ram’s own banner NTR Arts. Newcomer Sruthi Sodi will be seen romancing Kalyan. Balakrishna's super hit song from 'Rowdy Inspector', Arey Oh Sambha, has been remixed for 'Pataas' and the director of the film, Anil Ravipudi, said that the song will be a big surprise and Nandamuri fans can get ready to celebrate.
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